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Sirius Shipping’s Managing Director, Jonas Backman is this year’s shipping profile

Shipping Profile

The association “Göta Älvklubben” have elected Jonas Backman, as the 2017th Swedish Shipping Profile. Is it with great joy and honor that Jonas Backman accepts this award as the Swedish Shipping Profile of 2017. Jonas Backman woh also won the won Västra Götaland most Entrepreneurial person in 2016.

The motivation reads:

Göta Älvklubben have selected the Managing Director och Sirius Shipping and initiator of the Donsö Shipping Meet


Jonas Backman have for more than 20 years lead a successful shipping company, Sirius Shipping AB, that today are in the forefront in environmental innovation in the industry. He is also one of the initiators of Donsö Shipping Meet, which has become a very successful maritime trade fair in the shipping business. To add DSM to the island of Donsö and be able to attract more exhibitors and visitors than resides on the whole island of Donsö is impressive.